The truth about coningsby live

As long as this is, it is brief. Martin Cheetham is not a very nice person. He thinks it is acceptable today in 2024, to be two faced with people who are helping him achieve what he wants and can dump them at the roadside when he feels like it.

He has a documented history of taking advantage of vulnerable people and acting like he is innocent.

He has been to prison for it. You don’t accidentally knock up 3 brothels with your brazillian girlfriend and then eventually think OH THIS IS BAD – LET ME CALL THE POLICE SO I DONT LOOK SO GUILTY and then after doing a stint in prison, build a youtube channel using people left right and centre.

I was sucked in. I donated over 1,000 hours of creative work on the belief it was going to turn into a real job but they didn’t want me there when they realised how much I was actually doing for the channel.

His own chat moderators (some of them) talk to me about how much I am worth to the channel and then stab me in the back and even think they can threaten me. Sadly, none of them scare me. Worse, the one moderator who directly told me “I wouldn’t expect to get paid” has now quit the channel entirely. He goes to his job, gets paid, goes home. Another moderator sat with me and worked out that I had contributed over £44,000 worth of creativity. Another told the live chat that when she sits there enjoying the stream and keeping an eye on chat making sure people don’t swear and pastes the occasional gofundme link, she does as much as I have done for the channel.

And they thought they could buy me off. £200 but it came with strings attached. Oh you’ll love this :

While they all forgive Martin for his transgressions, they don’t forgive me so easily. Do you know what I did wrong ? I offered them the chance to be involved in marketing the channel. Not one of them wanted to do it. But some of them expected me to one on one explain what it was all about. When I realised I had no chance of ever getting a future from the channel after over a year creating, unpaid, I started to get frustrated and that started to become clear. One by one mods were calling me asking what is wrong. So I told them. When they all knew, they all turned on me.

How is this relevant ? Well, aside from the now absolutely toxic situation that was destroying my mental health I had no choice but to walk away and consider what to do about it. I left everything there. Didn’t force anything. Left Martin to come to terms with the situation and let him decide how it should be put right. In the midst of all this, it seemed some people also had issues with Martin. Nothing to do with me. Sort of. I was tracked down by a lady who showed me what Martin had done in regards to brothels, news and prison. She told me that Martin turned up at her house and was evidently using her husband too. Martin has told him that Martin and I had a falling out and that was all. Then Martin was expecting this man to fix his car, for free. Replace his brakes and so on. Didn’t pay him for his time. Martin had him working on the channel too. Unpaid. However this couple have a young son that has serious issues and that comes very much first. The lady tells me she could sense something was wrong. Then she found out about Martins past. Livid, she accepts Martin is a horrible man who will use anyone.

Me ? I have been suffering with mental health issues for over a decade following a lot of shit that you don’t even wanna spend time reading. Three operations on my head should be enough news for you. I am 90% housebound now. But I love pottering about on my pc. I love artwork. And combining the two.

Yeah but how is this all relevant ????? Just remember I grafted for over a year. Put my heart into it.

For me to come back to the channel and continue helping Martin, remember this is his idea – I have to come back in stealth mode. Not me. Reinvent myself. Why ? because his admin who he “couldn’t give a fuck about” – when he told me “it’s just me and you building the channel” – which for all I knew was true, they all hated me. Somehow they ha a hold over him if I come back, they aren’t to know.

Oh but that’s not all… I also have to TOTALLY redesign the channel and the website. Next month. Logos everything. And the pay for all of this ?

10% of the channel income. pahaha. But at least it was something right ? Oh you should know that would be certified less than £100. The channel has only broken the £1,000 income barrier once. Barely.

I was also sent £200. Which is STILL sat in my bank account. I knew something was wrong.

We had a three way video conference – I was expected to go out and try to make sure any further attacks on Martin for his now unhidden past, stop. But I also wasn’t being accused of doing this. Damn right too, I had only just learned about it. I also have no idea who if anyone, is attacking Martin.

So I started. I created what would have been my company name years ago “imagine media”. Let me tell you now, Imagine Media is 100% detached from Coningsby live youtube. I have access to the back end of the coningsby live website and that is it. Martin has always had full control over it, but I think doesn’t know how to use it at all.

His moderators knew straight away that imagine media was me. But they are chat moderators, its none of their business right ? It didn’t take long before his moderators are openly questioning me, with attitude, LIVE in the youtube channel live stream. I was there with martin’s permission but his chat moderators seem to be his boss ?!?!

Becci wrote : “you are a germ” – accused me of blackmail and that I will be outed. Outed for what Becci ? realising I was contributing to build a channel and was never going to reap any benefit ? Blackmail ? He continues to use my content and what, you are in charge of me and my content ? Oh dear, no.

Do you moderators know why I created the whatsapp mod chat ?
Because me and martin thought it was a step toward building a next level of admin who would want to help promote and market the channel. But what actually happened ?
Martin and I stood there bemused that you had all turned it into a general chat for anything so when we spoke of admin issues, they were all washed away in the plethora of general chat and made the point of the chat, a complete waste of time.

“I will never forget you Stan” said Martin.
“Can’t thank you enough mate” he said.

“you know the deal Martin, lets grow this channel so it can pay you so you can survive, give up your job and then it can pay me too” I said.

He knew that was the deal. So did the chat admin. We weren’t planning a robbery or to sell kids or anything immoral, just build a youtube channel that people love. Get paid when it grows and then invest more in the channel, even employ more people. Pay for days out for Martin, get him filming some amazing stuff. And the chat admin had the same offerings that would be available to them, if fitting later down the line. If the channel had spare cash, donations could be made to folks who truly support the channel as a massive thank you and so on. Job roles where applicable.

But as if all of this isn’t enough, there is more going on. Maybe for another day. Let’s continue to see who these folks will throw under the bus.

Threats from multiple people IN martins admin team.
Homophobic statements left for and aimed at me on the coningsby live website. I’m not even gay.
The expectation that I would graft over 1,000 hours of creativity for nothing.
That I would then go stealth and do it all again while the chat admin think they run the channel and own Martin. Strange shit I know.

Granted, I have not handled this well at all. But if you can imagine all the conversations that happened over 3 months or so, as I started to realise I was heading for the rubbish heap. They will tell you I was 100% out of order and they were all above board and lovely.

it was amazing to see these chat admin telling me to go and spend time designing tshirts and other things. I spent 3 months putting together the calendar. A lot of hours. A hell of a lot of hours.

I am an absolute bastard, when provoked.

I had this page set to private to then discuss with others and they have voted to make it public. So it is.

PS – Martin paid for and has 100% control over this website domain and hosting. Because I am an honest person, I told him that has to be the case so if anything happens between us or to me, he doesn’t lose to a scam website builder. I protected him. But he hasn’t paid for ANY of the content. I made it all. Ergo, I own it all. Funny how two of his TEAM shut up when they realised Martin lied to them saying he owned all of this.

The cost for this website exceeds many thousands of pounds.

Pair who made £24k from three brothels jailed <- Martin Cheetham aka Coningsby Live.

44 thoughts on “The truth about coningsby live

  1. Martin has lied to multiple people. Tells people he didn’t know what was going on at the houses, yet he was completely complicit in all of it.
    Live chat is full of fake profiles using real peoples names on Facebook etc but with slight changes, some of them have already called out and proven to be fake. Some of the moderators are involved in this and will be exposed.

    1. I’m sick to death of people commenting on his YouTube channel and the like saying things like “don’t give in to the haters” etc etc. This is not a couple of trolls sending messages because they are jealous of his live stream.

      Martin has gained substantial financial help from multiple people and help in other areas as well all the time blatantly lying about why he went to prison. He has told multiple people multiple different versions from “I only rented the flat out to a women and she did things in there I knew nothing about” to “I was helping her out so I stole money internally from a bank” plus other variations etc.
      Not once was the subject of the brothels mentioned, or if it was he stated “I wasn’t supposed to be charged, I knew nothing about it all”

      Again, it has been mentioned multiple times in these comments that anyone who still has any sympathy for him needs their head examined.

      I for one would love to hear comments from the women who were unwillingly kept at those flats and had to endure what they did, all for Martin to make money.

  2. At the end of the day Martin can make out he was only trying to help his ex well he was paying for her before she become his girlfriend all he likes but a judge ruled them both guilty he was the one advising her for humiliation and rough sex anal sex without her knowledge I will not be supporting this channel they wouldn’t right that in the papers if it wasn’t true

  3. Just to echo the above comments was a member but now cancelled as now sick of the shit posting shit stirring so called fake non financial members who post support then shit post negative comments and cause constant issues one of the main mods has several fake accounts attached to their name so they can shit post and cause problems without being blamed themselves
    Im no longer supporting what looks like a money grabbing scheme by a totally dishonest person and I know a lot more about what is going on in the background and if they carry on the crap ill call them out

    1. I see by your username you might also know about the biggest fake fraud profile on that chat ?
      See that 100% fake fraud liar is now trying to come back into another live stream with the same fake made up stories about themselves and other members from coningsby chat are encouraging it to happen!!!
      What a joke and utter disgrace coningsby live has become glad I’m also no longer a member over there

  4. The mods on this channel are rubbish and have been rude to me quite a few times. Sadly, Martin can’t seem to see that terrible mods (and some even worse channel members!) have done his channel absolutely no favours whatsoever. He lost control of this a long time ago. Some of them also need to go back to school for some education and spelling lessons. Fancy thinking the US National Anthem was the theme music from The Great Escape!!!

      1. Martin is a piece of shit scammer taking money from people to fund his pocket, probably trying to save up for another brothel.
        Fake admins made by him to make it look like people followed him, fake donations to make people think it was OK to fund his crap channel.
        The bloke is as dry as sandpaper.
        Fuck him and his admin that supported his bullshit, hopefully he will return to prison where someone will ram his arsenal.
        As for other streamers letting his fake profiles be admin, I’ve forwarded this chat to core jets ted coningsby and Liberty Wing, they all knew and wasn’t surprised by it.

        1. One thing I can say is none of the admin were fake people as far as I was aware. They were all real people and every single one of them is going on like this didn’t happen after supporting him, KNOWING it did.

          1. I think they are more talking about the fake profiles his admin and Martin made up to try and make his stream seem better than others.
            Fake profiles defending other obviously fake profiles to try and give them some legitimacy and mods involved.

            Ask me how I know Banton. PS, my name isn’t Brendan !

            Martin is a fucking shit stain, you and I both know it !!

  5. Anyone supporting this creep must be absolutely crazy.
    Another news story here shows he knew exactly what was going on at the flats and organised it all !!
    A police investigation established that the profile Cheetham posted for the sex worker, who he described as “Sexy Hot” included sexual services she didn’t recall agreeing to including anal sex, punishment and humiliation.
    Mr Siva said: “She told police that men would turn up wanting oral sex without protection and other men would turn up wanting to beat her with belts.”

    What a total creep and as stated above any women who is involved in coningsby live streams must be mad !!

    1. People at lakenheath don’t want him there, the base commander is aware of him, apparently the police are investigating him for further crimes, what a fuc#in scumbag, from what people are saying he gives his youtube money to someone else so he can claim benefits, tells people he has changed, but all I ever saw was go fund me this go fund me that, a car with donators names on it did that ever happen, laptops, cameras donated by a person who is terminally ill, a laptop which has yet to appear, why the hell would anyone support this monster, and still the women admin still support him, past is the past he says, not for the poor women he had basically raped they won’t ever be able to put that in the past

        1. Show everyone your Military Cross Bob, you know the one you got for being a war hero in Afghanistan in 2005 !!
          Bob Park the truck driver !!

    2. Yeah that’s what gets me like perverted weirdo bet he loved thinking he was a boss man even women supporting his channel now call him boss man weird I’d boss him on the end of my left hook 😂

      1. Do you reckon the women on his chat maybe worked for the Boss man in his flats then ??
        Mind you looking at some of their pics on Facebook and the like they wouldn’t earn a single quid for their services 🤣🤣

  6. Just to agree with others here, absolutely disgusted with everything about this person. I will not be supporting this channel any longer.
    I think it’s important for everybody especially any women to re read that article when it states that the women were kept at those flats not of their own free will and are victims of modern slavery !!! Just think about that, especially if you have a daughter !!!
    I hope his channel goes the same way as his brothels.

  7. Just so people know, action is going on behind the scenes about the profiles who claim to be real people but clearly are not.
    It’s an absolute utter disgrace that their real names are being used to create a fake profile of them for drama or entertainment in the chat.
    The real life son/brother of these fake profiles has his own YouTube channel and is a pilot just like his father. I have contacted him to alert him of what is going on and he is appalled, especially when his real life family members not the fake ones have a dislike for any social media and keep their private life to themselves.
    I have provided him with multiple screenshots from the live chats on Coningsby Live and several other streams and social media sites that these fake individuals have appeared in before they deleted their profiles, which also deleted their comments. I have them all saved though !!
    This person along with myself have been monitoring all of these live streams gathering more and more information in readiness to approach YouTube and other authorities when the time is right which will include the whole family.
    More information will be provided as things escalate.

    1. I always knew there was something very dodgy about some of the so called personalities appearing in the live chats. People claiming to have certain roles and jobs, yet having hours of spare time to sit and chat on a stream?! I don’t think so! I wonder how all the daft people who gave money to the channel feel now?! Did you really believe he was putting the donations towards his channel?! A man who sold women for sex to make a quick buck. You silly, silly people.

      1. This is the point exactly !

        I implore anyone with a little time on their hands to just go and look at some previous lives chats and make a list of the prominent usernames on there and then go and find these people on Twitter, Facebook and instagram etc. You’ll be absolutely amazed at what you find.

        Real names used, but completely different personalities with different political and social values etc etc, plus the real people have no link at all to Coningsby Live, they don’t post about or even follow Coningsby Live.

        Is this some vain attempt to make the Coningsby Live chat seem more appealing and exciting than other streams ? An attempt to say “Look at us we’ve got these awesome people here”

        Truly pathetic.

  8. I could add so much more to this but it is better now to look to the future, as long as Martin and his fucked up team leave people alone. None of them are scary but so many of them have been shouting abuse they can’t back.

    At the end of the day, for those mods and him, if you are complicit with what happened, you exactly are complicit and they all knew. They all (except for one or two) forgave his actions. They all stayed. Now some of them are putting other channels at risk. And not one of them reached out the to people THEY KNEW martin had abused and supported them. You can see it written above, some of them were even threatening the guy who wrote this article.

    Message to Core Jets : Get any of the EX Mods GONE from your channel team. You don’t want to look like a front for Martin. They are ! Your channel is YOUR channel. YOU are responsible for THEIR actions. They MUST follow YOUR rules and if they don’t you sack them. Otherwise YOU are complicit too. I saw when the author of this article wrote to your mods stating he is more than happy to explain what happened. As far as I am concerned, you know a lot of it now and you now know a lot of it is true. You have done nothing I am aware of to carry his baggage and risk your own channel.

    And some of the people advocating for people like Becci to be a mod for you. Don’t do it. She is terrible at being a mod and two-faced. She will stab you in the back and think she can talk to you like she is Rambo if she sees you are not a violent person. There are more lurkers. Be careful ! It got worse the other day when Julie was trying to use reverse psychology and being supported to become a mod for you. But at the very same time she was sexualising the chat, while it is ok for children to be there. She is a disgrace. I know everyone who realises this, saw it. I read she was horrible to most the team at Martin’s channel, including Martin but for some reason they were afraid of her. I never made sense of that.

    Core Jets, finally I wish you and your channel the best. You had no connection or knowledge of this whole ordeal that I know of. But it has been bought into your domain. You don’t deserve that and you should consider how you move forward now. Myself I would request that anything from Martin’s channel is 100% removed, comments, users the lot. And have NOTHING else to do with it. They are who they are, they did what they did. NOT your fault.

    The quote I will share that absolutely disgusts me from Martin AND his team “Mental health is very important” because it was supported and heavily backed by “but if we don’t like you, nothing about you matters”.

    I saw the threats of violence. I saw the hypocrisy and lies. Some of the people Martin abused, were being watched over, by people who care about them. Martin came close to getting very hurt because people were offering to deal with him and these people are not messing about.

    The best thing Martin can do is walk away. And so should his “team”. The people who were abused didn’t destroy his channel, he and his shocking team did. Speaking about it here hasn’t destroyed his channel, the actions and events that require speaking about here, destroyed his channel.


    1. I’m glad you’ve mentioned Core Jets. Seriously, I hope someone warns Chris and Damian about the vile pack of individuals who followed Martin and his channel, as I can see that a lot of them have moved over there and are behaving in the same way. They’re like a bunch of nasty parasites. I will try to find a way of contacting Chris myself. He seems like a decent guy. Someone needs to warn him.

      And as for the delectable Julie Evans, or whoever the hell she is. What an absolutely disgusting individual. All those innuendos in chat and all the other stupid people interacting with her on this. What kind of sad and dirty lives you must all lead to feel the need to express yourselves like this in the chat of an aviation channel. I think you need another kind of channel!

      If you read this Julie – please take a good look at yourself. Are you proud of what you’ve done? You need help, seriously! Stop being so vile and dirty. Do some nice things, be nice to people. Life is too short to spend it being so horrible all the time! And if you still feel the need to talk dirty, go to the appropriate places for that. Stop tarnishing aviation streams with it!

      1. Oh, you don’t know how true you are.
        Finally good to see multiple people speaking out about these well described “parasites”
        Martin is definitely responsible for the majority of problems with his stream and chat, but when people like Julie and her sexual deprivation are in any stream, well, need we say anymore.
        If anyone didn’t see the comment that was probably the last straw in getting her banned from the discord, then here you go. When told by another member that she was the reason for problems on the stream, she replied something similar to “The only one responsible for destroying the stream is the owner of the 3 brothels who got caught and shit his pants”
        It was absolutely amazing to then see other members still defend her even after that comment !!
        After being banned she then boasts about it on Core Jets and when asked where she has been banned from she states “The pimp channel” only to then have that comment removed from the chat.
        The very next Core Jets live stream, again she is boasting about being banned and again when asked why she was banned, her and others who support her stated “For telling the truth”

        Again, I couldn’t care less if she mentions those things in Martin’s chat, but all this is being dredged up in another stream.

        As mentioned above, I hope you’re watching Core Jets, these people including the existing Coningsby Live Mod who’s kissing ass to try and become a Core Jets Mod are disgraceful people.

        Finally a message to Banton.
        Keep coming into the Core Jets live chat and saying hello mate, it scares these parasites away.

  9. Message for core jets, you’ve got a great channel, please beware their are many sheep in wolves clothing. I think you have Sally and Matt and couple of other good mods, but some you may have added will end up destroying what you are building, also beware you have a a few in chat that will do the same. I was conned by Martin and his crew over two years, still gave him a second chance when he told me what I thought was the truth, to find out it was all lies, this not sour grapes, its just a warning to core jets, one bad apple or several in this case!!!!

  10. Does membership to his channel come with free brothel entry ?

    Martin is a dishonest con man, plain and simple.

    1. Who knows, maybe. One might be lucky and get the delightful Julie Evans. She was always on about eating Martin’s sausage!!!

      1. Doubt you’d get Julie.

        I have been digging around just like has been suggested by others here and was amazed what I found.

        Has anyone else seen the fact that Becci’s Facebook (friends) list has a Julie Evans in there who lives in the same town as her ? But that Julie has no interest in military aviation and no link to Coningsby Live !
        What an absolute coincidence ! I think not !

        Have a look at the motto that Julie has on her page “If all fails just be kind….and say nothing”

        Does that sound like the Julie from the chat ?

        You’ll also find another name from the chat in there with a name beginning with J who also has no link to Coningsby Live and claims in the chat to be a health care worker doing 12 hour shifts looking after their patients. A closer look shows this “stud” is actually an insurance salesman.

        Totally pathetic real names but fake profiles that certain Mods and other members defend or are probably behind the fake profiles.

        Watch them either delete or lock down pages once they see this !!

  11. Unlike other people including Martin, I am allowing other comments that are defending him. While he and his admin were hiding and silencing people, of they want to comment on here, they can. As you can see, a couple of people including bob the owl, have commented. I have no issues with the truth.

    1. The truth, from someone like bobtheowl haha.
      Please feel free to ask him about his so called military career which he has boasted about on the chat and can be easily checked and found to be complete fabricated nonsense.
      When he is fact checked about this on discord and all the other nonsense he claimed to be “famous” for, he deletes all his posts, photos etc and changes his username twice running away just like Martin has now by deleting the discord server when people confront him about his lies.
      Compulsive liar defends another compulsive liar, no surprise there.

        1. 🤣🤣🤣 Thought that was him.

          Bobtheowl comes into Core Jets chat on a Monday at Coningsby and tells a pathetic why did the chicken cross the road/knock knock joke that no one interacts with, so he leaves the chat.
          Then only a few days later on the Friday when Core Jets are at Lakenheath, Rodgerthedodger comes into the chat telling the exact same pathetic chicken/knock knock joke and bagging people who collect trains, when he knows that a Mod on that chat collects trains.
          Seriously go back and watch the chats, what a loser and so obvious 🤣🤣
          Go and feed your imaginary big cats Bob 🤣

  12. How is anyone still a financial member of Coningsby Live, why are you still giving money to a two faced liar.
    No live streams, no videos, the discord server deleted and anyone who even dares to bring up the subject in a comment on his YouTube channel has their comments removed without reply.

    1. I could see the way this channel was going a long time ago with the comments and behaviours in the chat. Everyone is free to use their money as they wish. They never got a penny from me. It’s a shame really, as I think there is plenty of space out there for military aviation streamers. Unfortunately, right from the start, Martin seemed unable to control his followers and allowed inappropriate and ‘adult’ themes in the chat. Not really suitable for something that kids will be watching. This was clear to a lot of folks, but for some reason Martin couldn’t see it. Or maybe he could, but for whatever reason didn’t address it. I do hope someone has updated Keith Cornell about all of this. Poor fella seemed totally oblivious to what was going on most of the time! It’s all a bit sad really, but Martin only has himself to blame. Anyone who tried to raise this was removed by the mods so there was no way to feed this back to him and the issues just got worse.

      1. Yes, well said.
        There is a reason why the likes of Ted Coningsby and others don’t suffer from those types of issues in their chats. I don’t watch Ted Coningsby as I don’t like the style and delivery etc, but they along with other bigger names keep the chat ‘on topic’ and have a strict ‘no names, no places’ and ‘keep personal chat to outside pages and groups’
        Far too many on Martin’s chat just want to talk about themselves and make up fantasy stories about themselves when it is soooo obvious they are not who they say they are, which then allows the chat to descend into sexual comments etc and also disparaging comments about other streamers.
        This has now spilled into another stream with certain names in there who just appear to want to cause issues.
        I think Keith Cornell has a twitter account, but the poor bloke was always oblivious to what was really going on with certain names in there.

  13. Are we ever going to hear anything more from Martin? This is his channel. Why doesn’t he respond to anything? Why the silence?

  14. From what I understand, Liberty Wing has done the same thing to Banton too. Used him and then created a situation to get rid of him. Hasn’t paid him a penny either. What the heck is wrong with people ?

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